Ecor Pro dehumidifier highly rated by Yachting World

Yachting World review Dryboat dehumidifiers

At first glance, there may not be a great deal of similarity between your wine cellar and an ocean-going yacht. However, there is one area when the two can be alike, and that's in the need to remove excess humidity.

For some time we've been very impressed with the dehumidifiers from the Anglo-Dutch manufacturer Ecor Pro. This view has been confirmed by a review in Yachting World magazine of their compact Dryboat dehumidifier. The Dryboat is an all stainless steel version of the Dryfan unit we recommend for wine cellars, amongst other applications.

You can download the complete review, but their conclusion says it all, "It’s rare that we rate something this highly but the DryBoat 12 has proven to be a superb marine dehumidifier that has delivered exceptional results all summer in tough environments such as Spitsbergen and Norway."

For more information about any of the Ecor Pro products, please feel free to contact us.